Who we are
Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” was officially registered by 10 large religious communities in September 2008, and in January 2018 it consisted of 30 Muslim communities from 18 regions of Ukraine.
Our communities have their own mosques or prayer halls and perform a full cycle of Islamic religious ceremonies. All imams of the RAMU “Umma” underwent religious training and have at least basic education in Islamic theology. Most of the imams got a degree at Islamic Theology Departments of Universities, Institutes or Islamic Schools and are fluent in several foreign languages. Fluency in Arabic is required primarily, for it is the language of the Holy Qur’an and the Muslim prayers.
We are open for dialogue and cooperation with both Ukrainian Muslim organisations and people of other religions, foreign Muslim organisations; scientific, social and charitable organisations, governmental and non-governmental institutions. We adhere to the principles of friendliness and brotherhood in achieving peace and mutual understanding; defending human dignity and freedom.
Contact us
Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma”
25a Dehtiarivska Str, Kyiv, Ukraine. Postal code 04119.
Tel +38(044) 490-99-00 (Monday-Friday, 10:00-17:00)
Fax +38(044) 490-99-22
E-mail: dumu.umma@gmail.com
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