Said Ismagilov
The Islamic charitable foundation Muslimehelfen e.V. from Germany, which for nine years has supported hundreds of low-income families in several regions of Ukraine, helped with purchasing a truck minivan for the volunteer initiative “Wings of...
On March 11, a meeting of the Ukrainian Center for Fatwas and Research took place in Kyiv. It was attended by:
1) Said Ismagilov, the mufti of RAMU "Ummah";
2) Seyran Aryfov, Master of Sharia Sciences, specialist in usul-fiqh;
3) Shadi Othman,...
On 25 January 2009, during the First Assembly of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma”, Said Ismagilov was first elected as Mufti.
During the past decade Mr.Ismagilov faithfully cared about the interests of Ukrainian Muslims and...
Said Ismagilov, Mufti of RAMU Umma, entered the top 100 list of the most influential Ukrainians. Sheikh Said is the 84th in the ranking recently posted by the Correspondent magazine. It is worth noting that the mufti became the only representative...
In the evening of 4 December, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited the country’s spiritual leaders in order to hear their spiritual valediction on the threshold of a very important and difficult meeting in the Normandy format. Speaking about the...
These weekends Severodonetsk Muslim community was given the opportunity to celebrate a big day. After nearly three years of restoration, finishing and furnishing, the mosque and Bismillya Islamic Cultural Centre have been finally opened in the heart...
On 2 May, Mufti of RAMU “Umma” Said Ismagilov, along with Mufti of RAMC Aider Rustamov and Head of SCUAUA “Alraid” Seyran Aryfov took part in the meeting of Ukrainian Muslim leaders and President-elect Volodymyr Zelenskiy.
Mr.Zelenskiy gave the...
On 4 April, students of Ivano-Frankivsk Ivan Zolotousty Academy had an opportunity to meet Sheikh Said Ismagilov, Mufti of Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma”, and Mr. Ameen Al-Kasem, Head of Lviv Muhammad Asad Islamic Cultural...
Ukrainian Magazine “KorrespondenT” has published its traditional Top-100 Most Influential Ukrainians on the year gone by. Mufti of RAMU “Umma” Said Ismagilov is on the list for the second year in row: he hit the 96th position - not bad, considering...